Home Crafts DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.
DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.

DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.

by diyproplus

Assembling a DIY terrarium is not just a hands-on craft; it’s a journey into the delicate balance of nature and design. This miniature garden in glass is a testament to the fusion of art and horticulture, offering a unique opportunity to exercise your green thumb and artistic flair simultaneously. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice in the world of plants, a DIY terrarium provides an accessible and rewarding project that can be tailored to suit any space, style, or skill level.

Join us on this exploration of creating your own little world encapsulated in glass. From selecting the right container to choosing the perfect combination of plants and decorative elements, we’ll guide you through the steps to assemble a captivating and low-maintenance DIY terrarium. Discover the therapeutic benefits of nurturing a self-sustaining ecosystem while adding a touch of natural elegance to your living space. Embark on the journey of crafting a DIY terrarium and witness the magic of nature unfolding within the confines of a glass container.

DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.

List of materials you need to make the DIY Terrarium

Terrariums serve as captivating, miniature ecosystems that effortlessly bring the beauty of nature into your living space. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, they stand as enjoyable and rewarding projects suitable for all ages. In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll guide you through the steps of creating a simple closed DIY terrarium using a clear glass container, allowing you to witness the mesmerizing synergy between plant life and design.

To embark on this green venture, you’ll need a few essential materials

Clear Glass Container with a Lid: The vessel you choose will play a crucial role in the DIY terrarium’s success. Opt for a transparent container with a lid to create a closed environment, mimicking the natural water cycle and fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem.

Gravel: Begin the layering process with a base of gravel. This provides drainage, preventing water from accumulating at the bottom and creating a waterlogged environment that could harm your plants.

Activated Charcoal: A thin layer of activated charcoal comes next, serving as a natural filter. This helps to keep the terrarium’s environment fresh by absorbing impurities and preventing odors.

Potting Mix: Choose a high-quality potting mix suitable for the plants you’ve selected. The right mix ensures proper aeration and nutrient availability for DIY terrarium’s inhabitants.

Sphagnum Moss: Sphagnum moss adds an extra layer of moisture control. Place it over the potting mix to help retain water and create a stable environment for your plants.

Small Plants: Select small plants that thrive in the conditions your terrarium will provide. Succulents, ferns, and mosses are excellent choices due to their adaptability and size.

Decorative Elements: Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your terrarium with carefully chosen decorative elements such as rocks, pebbles, or driftwood. These not only add visual interest but also contribute to the overall balance of the ecosystem.

Spray Bottle: Maintain the right level of moisture by misting your terrarium with water. A spray bottle allows for controlled hydration without overwatering.

Funnel (Optional): While not essential, a funnel can be a handy tool for adding layers to your terrarium with precision, especially in containers with narrower openings.

DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.


With these materials in hand, you’re ready to delve into the fascinating world of DIY terrarium creation. Follow our step-by-step instructions to assemble a closed terrarium that not only beautifies your space but also brings a touch of the natural world into your daily life.

Clean the Glass Container: Begin your DIY terrarium project by ensuring the glass container is pristine. Wipe away any dirt, dust, or debris either by washing it with soap and water or using a clean cloth. A crystal-clear container sets the stage for an unobstructed view of your thriving mini ecosystem.

Create a Drainage Layer: Lay the foundation for a healthy DIY terrarium by adding a layer of gravel to the bottom of the container. This serves as a crucial drainage system, preventing waterlogging and allowing excess water to escape, ensuring the well-being of your plant inhabitants.

Add a Layer of Activated Charcoal: Enhance the DIY terrarium’s air quality by incorporating a thin layer of activated charcoal above the gravel. Activated charcoal acts as a natural deodorizer, keeping the air fresh within the enclosed space and preventing the growth of mold and mildew.

Add the Potting Mix: Utilize a funnel to introduce a layer of moist but not soggy potting mix into the container. The potting mix provides essential nutrients for your plants and aids in maintaining proper aeration within the terrarium.

Plant Your Terrarium: With the groundwork laid, carefully plant your selected small plants into the potting mix. Ensure even spacing to allow ample room for growth, creating a harmonious arrangement within the confined space of the glass container.

Add Decorative Elements: Elevate the aesthetic appeal of your DIY terrarium by introducing rocks, pebbles, driftwood, or other creative decorative elements. This step allows you to infuse your personal style into the miniature landscape, making each terrarium a unique work of art.

Mist Your Terrarium: Introduce moisture into the terrarium environment by misting it with water using a spray bottle. Aim for a moist, not soggy, soil condition to provide the optimal growing conditions for your plants.

Put on the Lid: Complete your DIY terrarium masterpiece by securing the lid. This step is essential for creating a closed environment that mimics the natural water cycle, fostering a self-sustaining ecosystem. Place your terrarium in a location where it will receive bright, indirect light, allowing your mini garden to flourish.

Follow these meticulous steps, and you’ll soon find yourself immersed in the beauty of your handcrafted DIY terrarium—a testament to the seamless integration of nature and design within the confines of a glass container.

DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.


Creating and maintaining a thriving DIY terrarium is a delightful and rewarding experience. Follow these tips to ensure your mini ecosystem flourishes and becomes a lasting centerpiece in your home.

Choose Suitable Plants: Opt for plants that thrive in terrarium conditions. Succulents, ferns, and mosses are excellent choices due to their adaptability to the enclosed environment. Selecting plants that share similar care requirements ensures a harmonious and balanced terrarium.

Mindful Spacing: Resist the urge to overcrowd your DIY terrarium. Allow ample space between plants to accommodate their growth. This ensures that each plant has sufficient room to flourish without competing for resources, contributing to a visually appealing and balanced arrangement.

Water Sparingly: Practice moderation when watering your DIY terrarium. Aim for a soil condition that is consistently moist but not waterlogged. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so pay attention to the moisture levels and adjust your watering frequency accordingly.

Regular Misting: Keep the environment humid by regularly misting your terrarium. This is especially important in closed terrariums with lids, as it helps create a self-sustaining ecosystem. A fine mist ensures that the plants receive adequate moisture without drowning the soil.

Combat Mold and Mildew: If you spot any signs of mold or mildew, take immediate action. Remove the affected plants and clean the container thoroughly. Addressing these issues promptly helps maintain a healthy environment for your terrarium to thrive.

Enjoy the Experience: Embrace the joy of cultivating your DIY terrarium. Enjoy the process of creating a miniature world within the glass and marvel at the beauty of nature unfolding in your living space. Your terrarium is not just a decorative piece but a living, evolving creation.

Additional Notes

Consider Open Terrariums: Open terrariums, lacking a lid, offer a different aesthetic and require more frequent watering due to increased evaporation. Tailor your choice between open and closed terrariums based on your preferred style and maintenance commitment.

Use a Funnel for Narrow Openings: When working with containers featuring narrow openings, a funnel can be a practical tool. It aids in the precise pouring of gravel, charcoal, and potting mix, ensuring a neat and efficient layering process.

Source Materials Easily: Activated charcoal, potting mix, small plants, and decorative elements can be conveniently sourced from pet stores, garden centers, craft stores, or online retailers. Explore different options to personalize your terrarium.

Crafting a beautiful and unique terrarium is an art form that enhances your living space with a touch of nature. With a dash of creativity and attention to care, your terrarium will remain a cherished addition to your home, bringing the beauty of the outdoors inside.

DIY Terrarium: Assemble a mini ecosystem in a glass container.


In the artful fusion of nature and design, the creation of a terrarium transcends mere gardening; it is a voyage into crafting living, breathing art within the confines of a glass container. As you embark on this journey, remember that the success of your terrarium lies in the delicate balance of selecting the right plants, providing ample space for growth, and maintaining a mindful watering routine.

From the moment you meticulously clean the glass container to the final misting of your mini ecosystem, each step contributes to the development of a captivating and sustainable terrarium. Be attuned to the needs of your chosen plants, ensuring they flourish harmoniously in their confined yet carefully curated space.

The low-maintenance allure of terrariums beckons to those seeking a touch of nature in their homes without the demands of an extensive garden. Whether you opt for the controlled environment of a closed terrarium or embrace the open terrarium’s susceptibility to evaporation, the choice is yours to make.

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